words that say Thurston County

Thurston County Building Codes

Thurston County Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria

Ground Snow Load 20 pounds per square foot
Wind Speed IRC = ultimate wind speed 110 mph Figures R301.2(5)A
IBC Table 1609.3.1& ASCE-07-16 = V basic 100 mph
Topgraphic Effects No
Seismic Design Category D2 unless information that demonstrates that the site Sds is less than or equal to .83g on the United States Geological Survey Seismic Design Maps.
Weathering Slight to moderate
Frost Depth 12 inches
Termites Slight to moderate
Decay Slight to moderate
Winter Design Temperature 17° Fahrenheit
Ice Shield Required No
Flood Hazard For information about your specific property, contact the Building Development Center. For general information about Special Flood Hazard Areas, click here.
Air Freezing Temperature and Mean Annual Temperature See the Washington State Energy Code.

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Contact Us

Questions can be emailed to staff at the email addresses below. Just click on the e-mail address and send your questions. We would be glad to help answer any question you have about your construction plans.

Commercial and Residential plan review: Available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Building Development Center.  Tim Rubert: tim.rubert@co.thurston.wa.us; Patrick Carnahan: patrick.carnahan@co.thurston.wa.us (360) 754-3355 ext. 7289.

Building inspections: Available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. - 8 a.m. at (360) 786-5489.  Requests for permit extensions: permit@co.thurston.wa.us.  To request an extension of a building permit, submit a request prior to the expiration of the building permit.  Click here for the building permit extension request form.

Fire marshal and fire annual safety inspection: Bobby May: bobby.may@co.thurston.wa.us

All other building or fire code questions can be directed to the Building Services Supervisor, Chris Edmark: chris.edmark@co.thurston.wa.us or by calling (360) 786-5466.



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