words that say Thurston County

Thurston County Building Codes

Building Codes - Summary and Illustrations

 A new code has been recently adopted. Please check your project to see that it meets any changes to the new requirements. Our handouts and applications will be updated soon,  Please contact the plans examiners if you have questions at building@co.thurston.wa.us. Thank you for your patience during this update.  

Key Provisions of the Residential Code

Building codes are complicated, but you don't need to do it alone!  The Building Development Center is here to help.  See the contact information listed below.

These checklists provide basic, helpful information about residential building code requirements. However, it is not an all-inclusive list. 

  • See illustrations:  The drawings below are graphic representations of key residential code requirements.
  • For final inspection information see: The 2015 checklist Click here or the 2018 Checklist here.
  • Read the code: If you want to read the code, click here.

Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria

Click here for Thurston County's Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria.

International Residential Code Drawings

Fire Resistant Exterior Wall Construction -Current
       - 2018 Fire Resisteant Exterior Wall Construction

Construction Drawings (includes exterior elevations) (Figure 1) NEW!

Typical Foundation Wall (Figure 2)

Reinforced Foundation Wall (Figure 3)

Concrete Retaining Wall (Figure 4)

Typical Accessory Foundations (Figure 5)

Isolated Footings (Figure 6) NEW!

Concrete Masonry Unit Wall (Figure 7)

Wood to Concrete Separation (Figure 9)

Cutting & Notching Wall Studs (Figure 10) NEW!

Typical Framing Wall, Floor, & Roof (Figure 10A) NEW!

Cutting & Notching Floor Joists (Figure 11) NEW!

Stair/Handrail (Figure 12)

Monopour Foundation (Figure 13)

Residential Exterior Wall Construction (Figure 14) NEW!

Propane Tank Setbacks (Figure 15)

Underground Propane Setbacks (Figure 16)  NEW!

Floor Framing (Figure 17) NEW!

Deck Construction (Figure 20) NEW!

Deck Ledger Requirements (Figure 20A) NEW!

Porch Construction (Figure 21) NEW!

Exterior Door Landings (Figure 23)

Landing Construction (Figure 24)

Landing Construction - Manufactured Homes

Handrail Grip (Figure 25) NEW!

IRC Alternate Braced Panel (Figure 32) For 2015 Only

Nailing Schedule (Figure 33) NEW!

Alternate Fasteners (Figure 34) NEW!

IRC R60210112 Exception 1 (Figure 35) For 2015 Only

Alternate Braced Wall Panel (Figure 36) NEW!

Plumbing DWV (Figure 40) NEW!

Generic Garage Plan (Figure 50) NEW!

Pole Barn (Figure 60)

Typical Carport (Figure 62)

Exempt Agriculture Use Buildings (Figure 80)

Residential Swimming Pools & Spas


Contact Us

Questions can be emailed to staff at the email addresses below. Just click on the e-mail address and send your questions. We would be glad to help answer any question you have about your construction plans.

Commercial and Residential plan review: Available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Building Development Center.  Tim Rubert: tim.rubert@co.thurston.wa.us; Patrick Carnahan: patrick.carnahan@co.thurston.wa.us (360) 754-3355 ext. 7289.

Building inspections: Available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. - 8 a.m. at (360) 786-5489.  Requests for permit extensions: permit@co.thurston.wa.us.  To request an extension of a building permit, submit a request prior to the expiration of the building permit.  Click here for the building permit extension request form.

Fire marshal and fire annual safety inspection: Bobby May: bobby.may@co.thurston.wa.us

All other building or fire code questions can be directed to the Building Services Supervisor, Chris Edmark: chris.edmark@co.thurston.wa.us or by calling (360) 786-5466.

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