words that say Thurston County

Code Enforcement

Code Violation Investigation Request Form

We are only able to accept code violation investigation requests within unincorporated Thurston County.
If you are unsure about the property location, please visit Thurston County's Geodata webpage for assistance.


* Do you wish to have your name and contact information kept confidential?
NOTICE: The information contained in the investigation request is a public record subject to disclosure under the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) and may be requested or inspected by any person. The identity of a complaintant may be withheld from public inspection at the agency's discretion if the complaintant indicates that disclosure will endanger any persons life, physical safety, or property. However, if a court case is filed as a result of this complaint, the complaintants identity may be disclosed regardless of a request for it to be withheld.

PLEASE NOTE: If confidential option above is "Yes" and Contact Information below is empty, then County staff will treat confidential option above as "No".
Contact Information  (Optional)




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