words that say Thurston County

Welcome to the Building Development Center


Beginning February 20, 2023, The Planning Services Division will be available for assistance in the BDC from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for land use, critical areas, site design, and subdivision review.  This temporary schedule is in place until further notice.
The Building Development Center (BDC) is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. for building and septic permits. Please continue to check this website for the most up to date information and hours of operation. 


Easier to use. Mobile friendly.
Click for a sneak peek.

When visiting the BDC, in order to protect the health of staff and the public.

·  Please contact us by telephone or email if you are COVID-19 positive or exhibit any of the following symptoms:
   o   Fever
   o   Cough
   o   Difficulty Breathing
   o   Sore Throat
   o   Loss of Sense of                 Smell/Taste
   o   Muscle Pain Body          Aches/Fatigue
   o   Chills, Shaking
 · Maintain Physical
   Distancing of at least 6    feet
 · Wear cloth face
   coverings or masks
·  Cover Coughs/Sneezes
·  Wash Hands or Use    Sanitizer
 · Make your visit as brief    as possible

 News and Links

Shoreline Master Program Open House

!Check for Your Building Inspection Time! After 7:45

 You may need to clear your cache or browser history.  To do that, the fastest way is a short cut.

1.     Press all the keys [Ctrl], [Shift] and [del] on your Keyboard.

2.     Different Browsers will have different options.

3.     Pick the option that will clear the browsing history for the Thurston County Website.

2018 Building Code Amendments
Board adopts changes to the building code.

New rules for domestic wells

Stormwater Vesting Policy (PDF)

New Stormwater Standards

Critical Areas /Prairies

Development Code Docket

Title 26; Code Enforcement - Text Amendment

Skookumchuck Wind Energy Environmental Impact Statement - Notice of Availability


Welcome to the Building Development Center (BDC)

We appreciate the opportunity to serve you!

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to us all.  Your patience and understanding is appreciated as our County teams serve you in a modified manner. Please be aware:

  • Extended wait times may occur for your in-person visit

  • Project and application review times may be extended

  • Response times to email and phone calls may be extended

Application Information:

The BDC discontinued accepting most application types via email on July 3, 2020.  Application and document types currently accepted via email are listed below.  You will be contacted for credit card payment if your application is complete.  A 2.35 percent credit card transaction fee will apply.

1.    Submit the following applications and requests          to permit@co.thurston.wa.us  

  • Minor Permit Applications for Residential Structures

  • Time of Transfers

  • Refund Requests

  • Extension and Withdraw Requests  

2.     Submit the following to EH_Tech@co.thurston.wa.us

  • Record Drawing Requests

Alternative options for submitting your application are as follows :

1.     Mail the application to the following address:
        Building Development Center
        3000 Pacific Ave SE, Suite 100
        Olympia, WA  98501

2.     Submit the application to the BDC in person. 

Forms of Payment

The BDC accepts cash, checks, and credit card payments.  If you choose to mail in the application or use the no contact drop box, please include a check payment with your submittal. If the submittal does not include a check, a Permit Technician will contact you for credit card payment.  A 2.35% credit card transaction fee will apply. 

Services Provided Remotely

While we are doing our best to ensure your safety and safety of staff, The County is encouraging staff to continue to telework. Although the BDC is open for in-person service, the County is committed to continue providing service to citizens in a modified manner via phone and email.

Please consider emailing or calling our team for your development and permitting questions. 

1.     Community Planning & Economic Development         Development Services – General development questions         related to zoning, shorelines, critical areas (gopher/prairie,         wetlands, streams, floodplain, steep slopes, oak trees,         etc.).                       

2.     Environmental Health (EH) Department – Questions related         to septic systems, wells, water systems, record drawings

3.     Public Works Department, Development Review Section –         Questions related to access, clearing & grading, stormwater         drainage requirements.

4.     Permitting – For general permitting questions

  • Email permit@co.thurston.wa.us

  • Call (360) 754-3355 ext. 7288

  • Permit Status – Click on check permit status in the quick tool box located near the bottom of this page  

5.     Plans Examiner Questions- Questions related to residential         and non-residential building code requirements 

6.     Building Inspections

  • Call (360) 754-3355 ext. 5489

  • Inspections are being conducted by the following methods. An Inspector will call you to determine what program or method you have available and set an appointment.      
      In Person; Skype; Facetime; Zoom; Duo inspections; Video   Submissions  

7.     Compliance 

Closed all Federal holidays
3000 Pacific Ave SE, Suite 100 (map & directions)  |  360-786-5490


Friendly staff help with building, plumbing and mechanical permits; planning, zoning  and land-use regulations; septic systems, wells and water testing.  Find forms, fee information and codes in the links on the left side of this page.  Use QUICK TOOLS to research properties, check a permit status, schedule an inspection and more. Full list of services.

Quick Tools

Information Line

Geodata Maps

Assessor Parcel Search
Parcel Search

Search Permit Archives
Permit Archives

Check Permit Status
Permit Status

Schedule Inspection

Auditor Record Search
Record Search

Septic Pump Reports






Community Planning & Economic

Development (CPED)

Development Services Division News


E-inspectionsSmart Phone

 Ready, Camera, Approval

They say a picture is worth a thousand words; and it may be enough to sign-off your inspection without a site visit.  Currently Thurston County will accept photos and videos for inspection review of minor projects or inspection corrections.

More info at: https://www.co.thurston.wa.us/permitting/landuse/inspect/inspect-home.html

Send your email with the information for review to Building@co.thurston.wa.us. Once viewed the inspector may request additional information or arrange a site visit.

Staff contact: Chris Edmark at (360) 786-5466 or chris.edmark@co.thurston.wa.us

CPED exploring online Customer User Interface

The Board of County Commissioners approved CPED moving forward on exploring new online tools for applicants to:

  • Submit and pay for building permits online
  • Obtain permit status
  • Obtain the permit electronically
  • Request building inspections (on-site, e-inspection, or other)
  • View inspection schedule and status

CPED is interested in receiving your input. To let us know your thoughts on this topic and how we can serve you better, please contact:
Sandy Norton at (360) 867-2106 or sandy.norton@co.thurston.wa.us