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Virtual and Electronic Inspections - Submittal Instructions

How can I submit video for an electronic inspection?

The instructions for creating electronic inspection videos can be found on our webpage.

See Instructions  Click here for an example video.

  1. Review the instructions.
  2. Using the instructions, record the video. Review the video for focus and content.
  3. Send the video to: building@co.thurston.wa.us.
    • The subject line should state the permit number and video inspection. Example:  permit  18 123456 video inspection
    • In the body of the email:
      • List a contact name and phone number.
      • Paste the link to the video.

Videos will be reviewed within three working days; under certain circumstances it may be longer. The approval or correction will be sent via email. The inspector may call you to discuss the video, request additional information or to schedule an on-site inspection, if needed.

How do I submit photos for an electronic inspection?

  1. Send the photos to: building@co.thurston.wa.us.
    • The subject line should state the permit number and electronic inspection request. Example:  permit  18 123456 photo inspection
    • In the body of the email:
      • List a contact name and phone number.
      • Attach or insert the photo.

Photos will be reviewed with the goal of being three days; under certain circumstances it may be longer. The approval or correction will be sent via email. The inspector may call you to discuss the photos, request additional information or to schedule an on-site inspection, if needed.

If you have questions, please call the Building Services Supervisor at (360) 786-5466 or please email building@co.thurston.wa.us.


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